If you require a copy of MSWINSCK.OCX, it is.You can either copy and paste the zip file or simply drag it to the System 32 folder. These sites distribute OCX files that are unapproved by the official MSWINSCK.OCX file developer, and can often be bundled with virus-infected or other malicious files. Caution: We do not recommend downloading MSWINSCK.OCX from "OCX download" sites. OCX file for free! original dll file, download here. OCX file for free! xpcontrols.ocx download. Run-time error '339': Component 'mswinsck.ocx' or one of. If the file is missing you may receive an error and the application may not function properly. When an application requires mswinsck.ocx, Windows will check the application and system folders for this. I need this ocx file to work so I can open a specific program on my. I'm using 32 bit Windows Vista, and MSWINSCK.OCX wasn't even on the computer, so I got the file from. I downloaded this in order to get a copy of CMD which pretty much is the command prompt for windows. So I run command prompt and put regsvr32.exe mswinsck.ocx and it said the binary cannot be found so I downloaded it and re typed that into the command prompt but it still. Run-time error '339': Component MSWINSCK.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: A file is missing or invalid. Download dll files, Download ocx files, dll missing, ocx missing, how install dll ocx files, repair dll ocx files, fix dll ocx files. Run-time error '339': Component 'XPControls.ocx' or. When an application requires XPControls.ocx, Windows will check the application and system folders for this. Run-time error '339': Component 'Boton2007.ocx' or. When an application requires Boton2007.ocx, Windows will check the application and system folders for this. Download Link download file boton2007.ocx