Html Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): A HTML tag that specifies some extra. “SetTimeOut” function is used to call the function given as a parameter after some time delay. Interview questions on html, css and javascript, html MCQs PDF to practice html worksheet for university online degrees. “this” keyword is used mainly inside the method to refer to the current variable or current object.ġ1) What is “SetTimeOut” function in javascript? ‘this’ keyword is used to refer the current object in the program. Prompt box is used to get the input from the user by popping up the window to the user.ġ0) Why to use “this” keyword in javascript?

If the variable can be accessed anywhere in the code is called global variables and these will not have any scope in the application. Undefined variables are the ones which exist in the program but are not defined or not assigned any value for that variable.Ĩ) Explain global variables in javascript?
Add your CSS rules between the opening and closing style tags and write your CSS exactly the same way as you do in stand-alone stylesheet files.There can be more than 1 element with the same classname. 2 - Embed CSS with a style tag: A set of CSS styles included within your HTML page. Test your programming and coding skills and prepare yourself for the job interview - quizzes about to JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Angular, React.js, Node. The way you declare which elements the styles should apply to. So while running the program runtime error will be thrown.ħ) What are undefined variables in javascript? Html css javascript interview questions and answers pdf Freelancers or Jobs. Undeclared variables are the ones which does not exist and are not declared in the program. Eg: document.write(“My Test \a Content”) Ħ) What are undeclared variables in javascript?