Type a colon and than a vertical bar or pipeline character to get this smiley. Type a colon and than a closing parenthesis to get this smiley. Type a colon and than a opening parenthesis to get this smiley. Type a lesser than sign and a equals sign and then a greater than sign to get a double headed arrow: Type a lesser than sign and 2 hyphens to get this arrow: Type 2 hyphens and a greater than sign to get this arrow: Type a lesser than sign and 2 equals sign to get this arrow: Type 2 equals sign and a greater than sign to get this arrow: 3 – It’s possible to insert Most frequently used characters as you type Type 3 or more underscore and press enter. 2 – handy way to create automatic horizontal lines or borders In this way you can create table with different column width. The number of hyphens represents the column gap. Note: you have to start with a plus and end with the plus sign and press enter. Now to add more rows, take the cursor to the last cell in the columns and press the tab key. Voila you created a table with one row and 3 columns. Type plus and few minus or hyphens and again type plus sign and press the enter key Watch the video tutorial closely or continue reading this article…ģ7 Magical secrets, tips and tricks of Microsoft Word you don’t know Magical Tip no 1 – This is a very handy new way to create tables These tips will help you do things at your cursor point where you don’t have to go to a special menu, tabs or options. These hidden tips and tricks of ms word will really make you go crazy. There are certain secret things in Microsoft Word which will really amaze you. Microsoft Word Tricks: Hi All Welcome to HBN InfoTech Tutorials. Microsoft word tricks – 33 Magical secrets, tips and tricks of Microsoft Word you don’t know